Dealing with infantile colic can be incredibly challenging for parents. Many conventional pediatricians might tell you, “some babies just get colic” and “they’ll grow out of it,” but there’s ongoing debate about the root causes of colic and how babies develop this condition. In this blog post, we’ll break down what colic is, explain its underlying causes, and offer safe, natural ways to soothe your little one’s constant crying and discomfort.

If your baby is struggling with colic and you’re seeking relief from the endless crying and sleepless nights, this guide is for you! If your intuition tells you that your baby’s constant crying, discomfort, back arching, and neck craning aren’t normal, read on.

We’re going to uncover how neurological health can address many of your child’s issues. Discover gentle techniques to stimulate the nervous system and learn about specialized chiropractic care that can target vagus nerve dysfunction without relying on drugs or surgery.

The Hidden Triggers of Colic

One of the most overlooked yet significant triggers of colic is an overstressed and subluxated nervous system. At E320 Chiropractic, we find that many colicky babies have experienced stressors such as:

  • High-stress or high-risk pregnancies
  • Birth interventions like forceps, vacuum extraction, induction, epidural, or C-section that can physically impact the nerves and muscles of the upper neck

These interventions can disrupt functions like sleeping, latching, breastfeeding, swallowing, digestion, and gross motor development, leading to a nervous system stuck in a heightened fight-or-flight state.

Parker’s Story of Hope

Meet Parker. His parents, Phil and Johanna, were at their wits’ end as Parker struggled daily with colic, reflux, sleepless nights, and bursts of anger. “Here! Fix him!” Johanna exclaimed during Parker’s initial exam at just a few weeks old. “We were so frustrated. We didn’t want to medicate him, but he was in so much pain,” Johanna shared.

Parker had a head tilt and rotation to the right, a common sign of a dysregulated nervous system in infants. After Dr. Rhonda designed a care plan tailored to Parker’s needs, the improvements were immediate! “His reflux improved right away, we could stop his meds, he started sleeping better, pooping regularly, and his frequent colds vanished,” Johanna celebrated.

Parker, who used to get sick almost weekly at daycare, only fell ill 2-3 times since starting regular care. Johanna noted, “Dr. Rhonda’s assessments made everything clear. Once, she even identified Parker’s constipation just by examining him – it was amazing!”

Understanding Sympathetic Dominance

When a baby’s nervous system is stuck in a sympathetic fight-or-flight mode, it can hinder basic functions like sleeping, eating, digesting, and moving. Parents often sense that something isn’t right, from internal digestive muscles to external neck and spine muscles. This is why colicky babies often arch their necks and backs, especially after eating.

Many parents have tried eliminating dairy and other common allergens or even had their baby’s tongue ties corrected. While these measures can help, they often don’t address the deeper issue. If the nervous system remains tense, symptoms may persist despite these interventions.

Finding the Root Cause

Often, the root cause of colic lies deeper within the nervous system, affecting digestive processes like motility, absorption, and elimination. When tension and subluxation build along the neurospinal system, colicky babies may arch their backs and crane their necks to release this tension, indicating that the problem is more than just digestive.

At E320 Chiropractic, Dr. Rhonda and our team of specially trained Care Advocates use thorough assessments and advanced technology, including Neurological INSiGHT Scans, to detect and measure subluxation and neurological dysfunction in colicky infants. This comprehensive approach allows us to create personalized care plans tailored to each child’s unique needs.

Benefits of Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care for Colic

In addition to easing colic symptoms, chiropractic care offers various benefits for infants and children, such as:

  • Improved sleep quality and duration
  • Enhanced immune system function
  • Better digestion and reduced digestive discomfort
  • Increased range of motion and flexibility
  • Support for healthy brain and nervous system development

While chiropractic care isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution and results can vary, many parents report significant improvements in their baby’s comfort, happiness, and overall well-being after receiving chiropractic care.

If you’re ready to find effective, drug-free solutions for your baby’s colic, schedule an initial consultation and full neurological exam with Dr. Rhonda and our specially trained team at E320 Chiropractic. Call us at 864-367-6766 to speak with one of our Care Advocates. With the right approach, you can help your baby find the peace, comfort, and restful sleep you both need. Don’t spend another sleepless night wondering if there’s hope – take action and get the support your family deserves. By addressing the root cause of colic through gentle, Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care, you can help your baby thrive and enjoy a happier, healthier childhood.