Tiffany and Oliver

Tiffany had no idea what relief and life change lay ahead of her when she threw out her back and was down for the count😣.  All she could see at the moment was bottles of ibuprofen💊, avoiding physical activity, and visits to other chiropractors that didn’t help😟.  However, what began with a friend’s simple recommendation to try E320 Chiropractic for back pain ended up creating a huge lifestyle change for both herself and a sweet little gift🎁– baby OliverđŸ‘¶! When Tiffany was in labor, the doctor used forceps to turn sweet Olli’s head as he was born.  Unknown to most, forms of birth intervention like forceps or vacuum extraction, epidurals, inductions, fetal cord monitoring, and c-section deliveries are all considered “birth traumasđŸ˜Č.”  Most commonly physical, birth traumas often lead to health challenges, disabilities, and neurological problems for children.  In Ollie’s case, he could hardly move his body to the right or left.  “He had crying fits and he couldn’t stop.  Nothing I tried at home was helping,” Tiffany shared as she explained her desperation in trying to help her babyđŸ€±.  

Unsure of the “why’s and how’s”❓of why both her and her son were experiencing so much discomfort, Tiffany had a moment of clarity💡when Dr. Rhonda explained the results of their neurological scans📈performed at their consultations.  “The results were consistent with what me and Dr. Rhonda already knew, so I wasn’t surprised.  I was definitely interested in learning more about what they meant for me and Oliver📝.”  The system most commonly affected by physical (and toxic) birth trauma is the central or autonomic nervous system (ANS)🧠, and it controls and regulates every tissue, organ, and cell in the body.  Sometimes called “Air Traffic ControlđŸ›©,” the ANS needs to be at 100% function for our children to have 100% health throughout life.  So, in Oliver’s case, his birth trauma of forceps created a disruption in the body’s ability to communicate (subluxation) and this needed to be removed through gentle, neurologically focused chiropractic adjustments in order for his body to function correctly👍. 

 Receiving chiropractic care before and trusting Dr. Rhonda kept Tiffany’s skepticism at bay, but she was still nervous about having her baby adjusted😹.  “He’s so new, and big things for him make me nervous.  I didn’t know what it looked like to have a baby adjusted, but ever since he’s been under care, he’s a much happier and calmer baby🙌.”  Today, the E320 Team fights for who gets to hold Oliver the longest while Tiffany gets adjusted💚!    We celebrate with Tiffany because she doesn’t have to avoid living her best life anymore and together we get to watch Oliver making milestones like crawling and pulling up on stuff✹.  He’s definitely a crowd favorite, and we are all smiles when this dynamic duo comes in each week💚!