
Our buddy Benson didn’t have an easy-breezy start in life, and because of that, he’s faced significant challenges😥.  Lucky for Benson though, he’s blessed to have incredibly loving and determined parents who are relentless in making sure he is set up to succeed moving forward!  His family’s story is one of determination and hope, and we are honored to be a part of it💚.  

Being born prematurely typically comes with complications, so when Benson was born at 24 weeks weighing 1lb 6oz👶, Mom Barbie and Dad Josh prepared themselves for an uncertain future.  Over the years as Benson’s personality developed, Mom and Dad’s main concerns became Benson’s inability to regulate his emotions and self-control, manage sensory issues, and control his energy in order to focus🌪.  Unpredictable environments and last-minute schedule changes usually triggered strong emotional reactions from Benson, and this caused Barbie and Josh to feel overwhelmed and overstimulated themselves😵!  “If it’s too loud or too crowded, we will often need to leave or choose to sit outside.  We also don’t love bright lights, and winding down for naps and nighttime💤has always been a challenge,” Barbie explained.  

Thankful for a wonderful pediatrician🩺 who is onboard with their plan not to medicate Benson until he is old enough to give them feedback about how he’s feeling, Josh and Barbie have tried natural supplements to remain calm (for all three of them🤪)!  Feeling desperate for Benson to be healthy and well-regulated both emotionally and physically, Mom and Dad started researching neurologically-based chiropractic intervention in children.  After seeing the impact that Dr. Rhonda was making in the lives of their loved ones, Barbie became even more curious👀.  “The moment I watched Dr. Rhonda explain the important job of the vagus nerve, I knew she was an answered prayer,” Barbie celebrated🙌!  

When Dr. Rhonda met with Benson’s parents to go over his exam findings (i.e. neurological scan results📈), their concerns were validated when they saw how very erratic and unregulated his little body was.  “I wept as she explained how resilient Benson was despite everything he’s been through. I felt so seen because she could tell how stressed out and overwhelmed I was😰.  It’s incredible to see how his body is strengthening with each re-evaluation and how his nervous system is getting stronger and more regulated.  I feel like we’ve seen so much progress so quickly that it’s literally left us in utter shock most days,” Barbie explained🌟.  The E320 Chiropractic Team💚is celebrating right along with the family that Benson has experienced such undeniable progress in less than six months of care🎉!  Thank you so much for allowing us to care for your amazing family💚!